Thursday, November 28, 2019

第三屆長者博覽會一連三日舉行 健身氣功八段锦 馬司洋 教練




    “灣區共融一家親 綜藝表演活動”將於本周六下午三時至五時假塔石廣場舉行。是次活動邀請粵港澳大灣區內的廣州、珠海、江門、佛山、香港及澳門等地的工會外,也有東莞、惠州、深圳、中山及肇慶等地的武術、體育團體參與演出。演出項目包括武術、歌唱、粵劇及健身氣功八段錦的千人匯演等,搭建粵港澳大灣區大眾文康體的交流平台,推動全民健身,加強愛國團結,促進灣區和諧共融。











為慶祝中華人民共和國成立七十周年、澳門特別行政區成立二十周年及迎接工聯總會成立七十周年,由工聯體委主辦的「灣區共融一家親- 綜藝表演活動」將在11月30日下午假塔石廣場舉行,邀請到來自粵港澳三地



November 28, 201928










出  品:澳門工會聯合總會


示  範:岑寶華 總教練

   李鳳嬌 教練、歐陽麗嫦 教練  澳門工聯體育委

    [Newspaper News] The "Bay Area Inclusive Family Pro Variety Show" will be held at Tap Seac Square Plaza from 3 pm to 5 pm this Saturday. In addition to the trade unions in Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Jiangmen, Foshan, Hong Kong and Macau in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, martial arts and sports groups from Dongguan, Huizhou, Shenzhen, Zhongshan and Zhaoqing were also invited to participate in the event. Performances include martial arts, singing, Cantonese opera, and the Thousands of People's Health Qigong performances, etc., to build a platform for mass cultural and sports exchanges in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, promote national fitness, strengthen patriotism and unity, and promote harmony in the Bay Area.

    Rich and healthy employees

    In his speech, Ruan Aiwu stated that in order to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region and the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Federation of Trade Unions, the Federation of Trade Unions under the leadership of the Federation of Trade Unions carried out annual plans for healthy living for employees A series of activities, including lectures on healthy common sense life, training classes for Health Qigong Baduanjin coaches, promotion and training of Health Qigong Baduanjin to local high schools, and shooting teaching videos.

Thousands of people perform on Saturday's variety show

    FTU to host Bay Area communion show

    [Newspaper News] The "Bay Area Inclusive Family-Variety Show" organized by the Federation of Trade Unions will be held on Saturday. A press conference was held at the same time as the annual report on the health activities of employees of this year.

    The press conference was held at 1 pm yesterday at the Good World Restaurant. Ruan Aiwu, director of the FTU Sports Commission, Yuan Lifen, executive deputy director, and Lin Jinxiong, Li Jinhua, Cen Baohua, Shao Weiqiang, and Xu Guoquan attended the meeting.

Bay Area Inclusive Thousands Show held on Saturday

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Macao Special Administrative Region and the 70th anniversary of the founding of China and the Federation of Trade Unions, the "Family Inclusion in the Bay Area-Variety Show" organized by the Federation of Trade Unions will be held in November On the afternoon of the 30th, Tap Seac Square will be held. Trade unions and martial arts associations from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau were invited to participate in performing martial arts, singing, Cantonese opera and "Health Qigong. Baduanjin" thousand people's performance. A platform for the exchange of cultural, recreational and sports activities in the Bay Area, promoting national fitness, strengthening patriotic solidarity, and promoting harmonious integration in the Bay Area. % 94% E5% 91% A8% E5% 85% AD% E5% A1% 94% E7% 9F% B3% E4% B8% 8A% E6% BC% 94 /

November 28, 201928

本 [Newspaper] The Federation ’s Sports Committee held a “Bay Area Inclusive Family Pro- Variety Show” at Tap Seac square Plaza this Saturday. There will be martial arts, singing, Cantonese opera and Health Qigong. "Ba Duan Jin", and invited the general unions of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and the Greater Bay Area to participate. The organizer hopes to make a tribute to Shuangqing, to celebrate the 70th birthday of China and the Federation of Trade Unions, and to build a communication platform for the people in the Greater Bay Area. Keep fit and promote harmony and harmony in the Bay Area.

The organizer held a press conference at the Good World Hotel in Taishan yesterday afternoon. Ruan Aiwu, director of the Sports Federation Sports Committee, Yuan Lifen, executive deputy director of the Sports Federation Sports Committee, and deputy directors Lin Jinxiong, Li Jinhua, Cen Shihua, Shao Weiqiang, and Xu Guoquan attended the event to introduce details of the event.

Building a Bay Area Public Cultural, Sports, and Sports Exchange Platform

The organizer introduced that in order to celebrate "Double Celebration", further promote the employees' physical fitness and work hard to welcome the 70th birthday of the FTU. The meeting will be held on Saturday (30th) from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm at the tap seac square Plaza. The Bay Area 9 + 2 cities' unions participated in the performances, including martial arts, singing, Cantonese opera, and Health Qigong. There are 15 wonderful programs including the "Banduanjin" and "Thousands of People" show. We hope to use the activities to build a platform for cultural, sports and sports exchanges in the Greater Bay Area, promote national fitness, strengthen patriotism and unity, and promote harmony in the Bay Area.

At the meeting, Ruan Aiwu made a work report on "2019 Staff Healthy Living Series Activities". He said that the series of activities started in January this year, including: 5 lectures on healthy common life, promoting the importance of healthy living to more than 300 employees; "Health Qigong. A total of 60 trainees participated in the "Baduanjin" coach training class, of which 43 trainees obtained certificates one of which is Nikola Maricic; and carried out "Health Qigong." Nearly 800 students participated in the promotion and training of Baduanjin. In addition, in order to facilitate teaching and further popularization work, a Cantonese version of "Health Qigong." "Ba Duan Jin" teaching video; "Health Qigong. The "Baduanjin" large-scale thousand-person performance was attended by nearly 1,300 Macau Health Qigong enthusiasts. also pointed out that this series of activities aims to strengthen the general public's awareness of the importance of healthy living, promote the public to actively participate in physical fitness exercises, and develop good habits for lifelong sports.

Health Qigong. "Ba Duan Jin" promotes popular teaching video --- 6 minutes Cantonese password version

Copywrite : Macau Federation of Trade Unions

Powered by: Macau Health Qigong Association

Demonstration : Cen Baohua Head Coach

 Coach Li Fengjiao, Coach Ouyang Li Coach of Macau Sports Federation


Health Qigong performance Baduanjin #健身氣功八段锦 by Nikola Maricic , coach and athlete #Macau 馬司洋 教練 #澳門 #健身氣功  at #澳門漁人碼頭 Macau Fisherman’s Wharf. 澳門健身氣功總會. Associação Geral de Saúde Qigong de Macau Macau Health Qigong General Association. 健身氣功教練馬司洋

澳門國際動漫節開幕 冀推廣動漫文化

假如你是個中學生或老師, 大學生或大學講師, 或是個打工仔或公司老闆, 你也可以在澳門參加獲國際認可的氣功導師馬司洋親自教授的健康氣功班, 曾獲2016年及2019年安徽國際氣功冠軍及2017年世界冠軍的馬師傅已獲澳門健身氣功總會的教練證書, 絕對是你學習氣功的良師!


逾50個展位 冀豐富長者生活


澳門老中青義工協會和滙祺廣告展覽設計合辦的「第三屆澳門長者博覽會」今起一連三日假漁人碼頭舉行 。博覽會以「活力寶貝,老有所用」為口號,設有50多個展位,銷售老年食品、服飾及保健品等。希望打造多元化的銀髮活動,豐富澳門長者生活娛樂。






Wednesday, November 27, 2019

International Shaolin Wushu Festival, Zhengzhou, China 2014 - collection yes i was here and you can go with me next year 2020
see you in 2020 , i was there and loved it, wish everyone can see what i saw, and learn and demonstrate their skills level asos no matter beginner or advance , everyone is there learning anyway.
you can learn some forms with coach Nikola in Macau , China and test it there so your progress will be faster. can choose from many forms
also master Nikola wil prepare you for grading to next level of duanwei something like belt in other martial arts. inbox to or wechat id: wushunikolas to find more and start your program once per week or more
date is not confirmed yet but it is either september or october 2020
Zhengzhou as the hometown of Shaolin Wushu (Martial Arts), have hold 9 times of Shaolin Wushu Festival since 1991 and this year will hold the 10th International Shaolin Wushu Festival during Sept. to Oct. (time can be vary in different year).
please also follow and share

International Shaolin Wushu Festival, Zhengzhou, China 2014 - collection

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Health Qigong Baduanjin with coach Nikola Maricic Macau

First Asian Health Qigong Tournament & Exchange Successfully Held On October 26, 2019, the first Asian Health Qigong Tournament & Exchange and the "Daughter Counrty Cup" 3rd China Lijiang International Health Qigong Grand Prix was held in Lijiang, Yunnan, China. 65 teams, 336 players From seven countries and regions conducted a 2-day Health Qigong competition with a one-day cultural communication and exchange. coach and athlete Nikola Maricic 馬司洋from Macau Health Qigong General Association won 3rd place with Yijinjing and 5th place with Baduanjin

The event is hosted by the International Health Qigong Federation, Chinese Health Qigong Association, Yunnan Provincial Sports Bureau and Lijiang Municipal People's government.

The competition is divided into group competitions and individual competitions. The Health Qigong exercises such as Yi Jinjing, Wu Qin Xi, Ba Duan Jin and Liu Zi Yan were set up. After fierce competition, the top six of the team competition and the top six of the individual competitions were each spent. In addition, the event also held activities such as Health Qigong·Ma Wang Dui Dao Yin Shu Skills Training and International Health Qigong Duan Examination. The event was a complete success.








一招一式打出来的武侠,可以说是一个自带记忆的辉煌江湖时代,“他强由他强,清风拂山冈。他横任他横,明月照大江。他自狠来他自恶,我自一口真气足” 除了是金庸先生笔下《倚天屠龙记》里的九阳真经上乘武功口诀外,现如今更是被赋予了修人心性的禅语“外壳”,这也从侧面体现了当代社会人群对“修身”的进一步追求。










300余名健身气功爱好者齐聚丽江切磋交流2019年10月27日 12:09:12 | 来源:新华网      开幕式现场。新华网 和红艳 摄

禅舞表演。新华网 和红艳 摄



比赛现场。新华网 和红艳 摄

  据了解,云南省作为首批参与健身气功推广普及试点和率先成立中心开展工作的省份之一,目前全省健身气功活动站点已达675个,覆盖全省十六个州市,长期习练群众20余万人,二级及以上健身气功社会体育指导员、裁判员2000多人。2017年以来,丽江市先后举办了2届中国·丽江国际健身气功大奖赛,健身气功在云南及丽江得到广泛的推广普及。(完)(和红艳 李宁)

Passion qualifies!  “The practice of Sport is a human right. Every individual must    have the possibility of practicing Sport in accordance with his of her needs.”             (Olympic Charter, Fundamental Principles)


Monday, November 11, 2019

First Asian Health Qigong Tournament in China

First Asian Health Qigong Tournament &
Exchange Successfully Held
On October 26, 2019, the first Asian Health Qigong Tournament & Exchange
and the "Daughter Counrty Cup" 3rd China Lijiang International Health
Qigong Grand Prix was held in Lijiang, Yunnan, China. 65 teams, 336 players
From seven countries and regions conducted a 2-day Health Qigong competition
with a one-day cultural communication and exchange.
The event is hosted by the International Health Qigong
Federation, Chinese Health Qigong Association, Yunnan Provincial Sports Bureau
and Lijiang Municipal People's government.

The competition is divided into group competitions and
individual competitions. The Health Qigong exercises such as Yi Jinjing, Wu Qin
Xi, Ba Duan Jin and Liu Zi Yan were set up. After fierce competition, the top
six of the team competition and the top six of the individual competitions were
each spent. In addition, the event also held activities such as Health
Qigong·Ma Wang Dui Dao Yin Shu Skills Training and International Health Qigong
Duan Examination. The event was a complete success.



一招一式打出来的武侠,可以说是一个自带记忆的辉煌江湖时代,“他强由他强,清风拂山冈。他横任他横,明月照大江。他自狠来他自恶,我自一口真气足” 除了是金庸先生笔下《倚天屠龙记》里的九阳真经上乘武功口诀外,现如今更是被赋予了修人心性的禅语“外壳”,这也从侧面体现了当代社会人群对“修身”的进一步追求。



12:09:12 |
来源:新华网      开幕式现场。新华网 和红艳
禅舞表演。新华网 和红艳


比赛现场。新华网 和红艳

  据了解,云南省作为首批参与健身气功推广普及试点和率先成立中心开展工作的省份之一,目前全省健身气功活动站点已达675个,覆盖全省十六个州市,长期习练群众20余万人,二级及以上健身气功社会体育指导员、裁判员2000多人。2017年以来,丽江市先后举办了2届中国·丽江国际健身气功大奖赛,健身气功在云南及丽江得到广泛的推广普及。(完)(和红艳 李宁)

Passion qualifies!  “The
practice of Sport is a human right. Every individual must    have the possibility of practicing Sport in
accordance with his of her needs.”            
(Olympic Charter, Fundamental Principles)

and athlete Nikola Maricic
representing Macau, China won bronze in 41 to 50 individual Taekwondo   sport, discipline Poomsae passing semifinal
as second in the group, then in final got bronze medal ranking 3rd
place and bronze medal,  at Asian Pacific
Masters Games Penang Malaysia 2018 held on 7-15
September 2018. A total of 22 sports. More than 10,000 participants from around
the world
recognised by IOC International Olympic
Comitee and International Masters games Association 
APMG is an International
Multi-Sport Events which holds the similar standard as the Olympic and Asian
Games. Hence, we are devoted to delivering the similar platforms and
experiences as the World-Class Games to all Masters who will be participating
in APMG 2018. APMG is recognized by International Masters Games Association
(IMGA) and the International Olympic Committee in order to ensure the standard
of APMG 2018. The International Masters Games Association is the representative body of sport masters worldwide. It promotes
lifelong competition, friendship and understanding between mature sports people,
regardless of age, gender, race, religion, or sport status.
in World Masters Games in 2021 Kansai Japan and Asian Pacific Masters Games in
2022 in Korea coach and Master athlete Nikola Maricic will join again and
represent Macau in its best performance 

Monday, October 21, 2019

塔石廣場 健身气功 Praça do Tap Seac Health Qigong performance

百城千村健身气功交流展示活动 Chinese Health Qigong Association Dawu Health Qigong 健身气功大舞 Da Wu or great dance Qigong in Tap Seac Square 塔石廣場 健身气功 Praça do Tap Seac with Macau Health Qigong General team and Nikola Maricic, coach and athlete world champion of Health Qigong

Da Wu originated from the Tang Yao Period (about 4,000 years ago) and is a health-preserving method which channels the joints and dredges the meridians by the form of dance.

  Health Qigong·Da Wu, based on historical records, uses the ascending, descending, opening and closing of body movements with the conjunction of breathing and mind adjustments to regulate organs, dredge the meridians and nourish Qi and blood, thus achieving the purpose of rehabilitation and health preserving.

  In the practice of Health Qigong·Da Wu, the spirit guides the dance postures, and the dance postures practices the shape. It is simple and graceful, smooth and flexible, coordinated with mind and Qi, and suitable for different groups of people.

  Long-term exercise can enhance upper limb’s strength, flexibility, balance, and cardiovascular system’s function, improve the negative mood of anger and depression to enhance the sense of happiness.

2019-10-19 市体育中心体育馆


海站)    来源:珠海资讯


目前由国家体育总局健身气功管理中心编排的功法套路和及综合套路共有13种,包括易筋经、五禽戏、八段锦、六字诀4种传统功法,和 2009年以来创编出的大舞、导引养生功十二法、马王堆导引术、养生杖、十二段锦及四套竞赛功法。

健身气功大舞 Da Wu Health Qigong in China with coach Nikola

百城千村健身气功交流展示活动 Chinese Health Qigong Association Dawu Health Qigong 健身气功大舞Da Wu or great dance Qigong in Zhuhai, China with Macau Health Qigong General team and Nikola Maricic, coach and athlete world champion of Health Qigong

Da Wu originated from the Tang Yao Period (about 4,000 years ago) and is a health-preserving method which channels the joints and dredges the meridians by the form of dance.

  Health Qigong·Da Wu, based on historical records, uses the ascending, descending, opening and closing of body movements with the conjunction of breathing and mind adjustments to regulate organs, dredge the meridians and nourish Qi and blood, thus achieving the purpose of rehabilitation and health preserving.

  In the practice of Health Qigong·Da Wu, the spirit guides the dance postures, and the dance postures practices the shape. It is simple and graceful, smooth and flexible, coordinated with mind and Qi, and suitable for different groups of people.

  Long-term exercise can enhance upper limb’s strength, flexibility, balance, and cardiovascular system’s function, improve the negative mood of anger and depression to enhance the sense of happiness.

2019-10-19 市体育中心体育馆


海站)    来源:珠海资讯


目前由国家体育总局健身气功管理中心编排的功法套路和及综合套路共有13种,包括易筋经、五禽戏、八段锦、六字诀4种传统功法,和 2009年以来创编出的大舞、导引养生功十二法、马王堆导引术、养生杖、十二段锦及四套竞赛功法。