Monday, October 21, 2019

塔石廣場 健身气功 Praça do Tap Seac Health Qigong performance

百城千村健身气功交流展示活动 Chinese Health Qigong Association Dawu Health Qigong 健身气功大舞 Da Wu or great dance Qigong in Tap Seac Square 塔石廣場 健身气功 Praça do Tap Seac with Macau Health Qigong General team and Nikola Maricic, coach and athlete world champion of Health Qigong

Da Wu originated from the Tang Yao Period (about 4,000 years ago) and is a health-preserving method which channels the joints and dredges the meridians by the form of dance.

  Health Qigong·Da Wu, based on historical records, uses the ascending, descending, opening and closing of body movements with the conjunction of breathing and mind adjustments to regulate organs, dredge the meridians and nourish Qi and blood, thus achieving the purpose of rehabilitation and health preserving.

  In the practice of Health Qigong·Da Wu, the spirit guides the dance postures, and the dance postures practices the shape. It is simple and graceful, smooth and flexible, coordinated with mind and Qi, and suitable for different groups of people.

  Long-term exercise can enhance upper limb’s strength, flexibility, balance, and cardiovascular system’s function, improve the negative mood of anger and depression to enhance the sense of happiness.

2019-10-19 市体育中心体育馆


海站)    来源:珠海资讯


目前由国家体育总局健身气功管理中心编排的功法套路和及综合套路共有13种,包括易筋经、五禽戏、八段锦、六字诀4种传统功法,和 2009年以来创编出的大舞、导引养生功十二法、马王堆导引术、养生杖、十二段锦及四套竞赛功法。

健身气功大舞 Da Wu Health Qigong in China with coach Nikola

百城千村健身气功交流展示活动 Chinese Health Qigong Association Dawu Health Qigong 健身气功大舞Da Wu or great dance Qigong in Zhuhai, China with Macau Health Qigong General team and Nikola Maricic, coach and athlete world champion of Health Qigong

Da Wu originated from the Tang Yao Period (about 4,000 years ago) and is a health-preserving method which channels the joints and dredges the meridians by the form of dance.

  Health Qigong·Da Wu, based on historical records, uses the ascending, descending, opening and closing of body movements with the conjunction of breathing and mind adjustments to regulate organs, dredge the meridians and nourish Qi and blood, thus achieving the purpose of rehabilitation and health preserving.

  In the practice of Health Qigong·Da Wu, the spirit guides the dance postures, and the dance postures practices the shape. It is simple and graceful, smooth and flexible, coordinated with mind and Qi, and suitable for different groups of people.

  Long-term exercise can enhance upper limb’s strength, flexibility, balance, and cardiovascular system’s function, improve the negative mood of anger and depression to enhance the sense of happiness.

2019-10-19 市体育中心体育馆


海站)    来源:珠海资讯


目前由国家体育总局健身气功管理中心编排的功法套路和及综合套路共有13种,包括易筋经、五禽戏、八段锦、六字诀4种传统功法,和 2009年以来创编出的大舞、导引养生功十二法、马王堆导引术、养生杖、十二段锦及四套竞赛功法。