Monday, April 22, 2024

World Taichi and Qigong Day 2024 in Hong Kong and Macau 深水埗公園 and 西灣湖廣場...

Come this Sunday 28 April 2024 at 11 am at Sham Shui Po Park 深水埗公園 in Hong Kong 香港 for World Taichi and Qigong class for All. With Teacher Nikola 氣功太極拳 馬司洋教練. Saturday 27 April is in Macau China 中國澳門 at 11 am at Sai Van Lake Square 西灣湖廣場 Praca do Lago . invite @everyone WANT TO GET INVOLVED IN A GLOBAL HEALTH & HEALING EDUCATION EVENT? World Tai Chi & Qigong Day is held each year in over 80 nations on "the last Saturday or Sunday of April" each year. It begins with mass Tai Chi, Chi Kung, and Mind Body events in the earliest time zones of New Zealand, and then spreads at the world turns, 10 am local time worldwide, ending with final events in Hawaii (USA). and it will be filmed and shared so please give permission to Teacher Nikola Organizing a World Tai Chi & Qigong Day event each year can be a vehicle for bringing more of the community to be aware of your classes. Slow the aging process (QiGong, The Art & Science of Chinese Energy Healing, Kenneth S. Cohen, Ballentine Books, NY, 1997). Improves postural control, while stretching, toning and relaxing the body in a cumulative way that no other exercise can achieve (American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 1992 Apr Vol 46 (4) 295-300. 70% OF ALL DOCTOR'S VISITS ARE DUE TO STRESS. World Tai Chi & Qigong Day has been covered by major mass media worldwide ... exposing over ONE BILLION potential readers/viewers of mass media to these ancient healing arts, now at the cutting edge of modern medical science. Harvard Health Publications called Tai Chi "medication in motion" for all the myriad health issues it can prevent or treat. World Tai Chi & Qigong Day events have been covered by: New York Times; CNN; FOX News; BBC TV; BBC World Radio; Agence France Presse TV; Associated Press TV; China's CCTV and Xinhua News Agency; and by national media worldwide. 健身氣功 Health Qigong 馬司洋 Teacher Nikola Maricic老師正在尋找年輕的小、中、大學階段的學生開始或加深古代氣功和健身氣功的知識,了解中國傳統的養生理論和實踐,對我們的身體產生養生作用。 並向所有年齡和健身水平進行教學. 同時可以教您英語,因為參加國際健身氣功活動和研究很重要。 在當地公園、湖泊以及您的學校或大學課堂上見到您。 來自中國的瑜伽教練和練習者可以從尼古拉老師的課程中學到很多東西 在 Dongguan 东莞市 松柏朗体育公园 Shenzhen 深圳市 Macau 澳門 Hong Kong 香港 Zhuhai 珠海市 Zhongshan 中山市 Guangzhou 广州市 Foshan 佛山市 少年强则中国澳門强,体育强则中国澳門强 - 馬司洋教練 Nikola 馬司洋老師在澳門、香港、珠海、深圳、中山、北京、中國、曼谷、韓國、日本任教,並受邀在那裡任教。 在這裡你可以看到他受到澳門重要人士的關注:賀定一 (葡萄牙語:Ho Teng Iat,1950年—),女,浙江杭州人,中华人民共和国政治人物。畢業於澳門培道中學及香港英文中學,同時也是浙江大學客座研究員,曾任澳門立法會議員之一,代表工商業,同時也是第八、九屆全國政協委員。其父賀田被譽為澳門工業第一人的企業家,胞弟賀一誠為前任澳門立法會主席、現任澳門特別行政區行政長官。教健身氣功 太極拳 武術 跆拳道 etc 運動中膝蓋問題的時代已經結束了。 以及所有其他關節、骨骼和肌肉損傷。 Nikola 馬司洋教練確保您從太極拳、氣功、跑步和所有其他運動中受益,讓您在所選運動中達到最佳表現。 訓練中見 Time for your knee problems in sport is over. as well as all other joints , bones and muscles injuries. Coach Nikola make sure you get benefit from taijiquan , qigong, running and all other sports preparing you to reach peak Performance in your chosen sport. see you in training You sent 著名武术家马司洋 Let's Health Qigong Baduanjin 健身氣功八段錦 什麼時間可以見到你? 馬司洋老師中國澳門 太極拳氣功跆拳道 外國人馬司洋老師 foreigner coach Nikola Maricic 在澳門教授: 氣功 太極拳 跆拳道 teaching in Macau, China 中國澳門 yes they still call me foreigner or gwailo not even a coach . They know I was already Master already in 1996 yet they did not introduce me properly so many people lost chance to learn from me and benefit as thousands people benefit in the past 澳門高中、國中、大學健身氣功專屬 Nikola 馬司洋老師 Health Qigong for High school, Middle School and Universities only with Teacher Nikola in Macau 澳門馬司洋老師專屬兒童健身氣功 Health Qigong for Children only with Teacher Nikola in Macau are you ready for traditional art for modern times ? just use this . 氣功太極拳澳門 馬司洋老師是的,身為外國人有問題。 人們認為 15 億人教得比我好 yep problem with being foreigner . people assume 1.5 billion people teach better then me如果你不練基本功和氣功(不只是套路),只練套路,最後會受傷。 所以你終於準備好向我學習了嗎? 選擇是你的 If you don't practice basics and Qigong (not only the forms) and practice just forms you will end up with injuries. so are you finally ready to learn from me or continue to be injured or just quit and give bad name to taijiquan and qigong which you did not practice properly as teacher did not teach you correctly. Choice is Yours You sent 許多教練只教你他們認為好的東西,而不是真正好的東西。 讓我指導你在運動中取得最好的成績。 功夫意味著完美的技能,並不意味著武術技能,而是我們日常生活中所做的任何技能,包括武術。 所以功夫不是任何武術的名稱 跟隨這個影片中的尼古拉老師,透過使用太極(太極)和氣功技巧,在生活中提高你的功夫,從學習到成為一名醫生,成為一名木匠,教練等...... 我們中國澳門見,深入學習尼古拉老師將教您的中國知識和文化遺產 Many coaches only teach you what they think is good not what is really good. let me coach you to get best result in sport. Kung Fu means perfect skills and does not mean martial arts skills yet any skills that we do in our daily life including Martial Arts. So Kung Fu is not name for any Martial Art follow teacher Nikola in this video and increase your kung fu in what you do in life from study to being a doctor to being a carpenter , coach, etc... by using Taiji (taichi) and Qigong skills see you in Macau China to study deeper into this knowledge and cultural heritage of China that Teacher Nikola will teach you about 什麼時間可以見到你? 馬司洋老師中國澳門 太極拳氣功跆拳道

Monday, March 11, 2024

HOVERAir X1 Praca de Ferreira do Amaral near Grand Lisboa #廣東話 Drone foo...

HOVERAir X1 Praca de Ferreira do Amaral near Grand Lisboa #廣東話 Drone footage 等需要經常拍片 影相的用家 Teacher Nikola 老師馬司洋 澳门 made this short Health Qigong and Taijiquan forms with small pocket size self flying drone #hoverairx1 #hover #drone Bought this camera with my own money here in Macau : 秋葉原 Akihabara TEL: 853-28220148 853-28415369 and 853-28844501 this video is not sponsored and Teacher Nikola share it to introduce Healthy exercises into society of Macau China and World Wide Global #廣東話 今次介紹呢款無人機同以前真係有啲特別唔同。因為佢完全係冇遙控器,就咁拎出嚟十幾秒就可以放喺空中,作為一個三腳架咁使用。佢係靠住AI追蹤技術,控制佢跟住你四處走。 #airx1 #廣東話 #hoverx1 AI智能追蹤有幾厲害! 唔使GPS! 手掌三秒起飛! HoverAir X1, 佢係一部迷你自拍飛行相機。機身連充電池只有 128 g(實測值),無須向民航處登記操控者都可以合法使用。它共有兩種顏色,分別是白色和黑色。每部 HoverAir X1 都會包含了一條 USB 充電線、一粒電池和一個儲物袋。若需要多粒電池、充電座等設備,需要自行加購。 #HoverAir X1 主打對象為喜愛打卡和自拍的YouTuber、KOL 等需要經常拍片、影相的用家。如果你只是希望日常打卡、自拍或拍 vlog 時可以有人為你代勞的話,更不追求影像畫質的話。這部 HoverAir X1 就很適合你。輕巧設計,可以放入口袋或手袋隨身攜帶。不需要其他額外配件。除此之外,這部 HoverAir X1 操作上十分容易,適合從來沒有接觸過航拍機的新手。操作上不用接駁遙控,更不用擔心螺旋槳葉會割傷。即使撞到障礙物或人也不會感受到痛楚,使用它完全沒有心理壓力。在重量、便攜性、 老師馬司洋 澳门

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

国际健身气功联合会龙年送祝福 馬司洋老師 International Health Qigong Federation And Teacher ...

   養生 養身 查詢及報名 保健氣功 健身氣功班 逢星期三 12:15-13:15 費用: 查詢電話:28591492 地址:澳門荷蘭園大馬路112號 栢蕙花園地下 會員 500/10堂 非會員 550/10堂 導師;馬司洋 澳門健身氣功總會教練 曾獲多個健身氣功及太極拳第一名 health care Inquiry and registration 不朽丹藥 Health Qigong class Every Wednesday 12:15-13:15 Inquiry phone number: 28591492 Address: No. 112, Avenida Holland Park, Macau G/F, Bai Hui Garden cost: Member 500/10 classes Non-members 550/10 classes Instructor;Ma Siyang Instructor of Macau Health Qigong Association Won the first place in many health qigong and tai chi

Monday, January 1, 2024

健身氣功澳門嶺南中學 嶺南中學 First High School in Macau Health Qigong Competition wi...

健身氣功澳門嶺南中學 嶺南中學 First High School in Macau Health Qigong Competition with Teacher Nikola 馬司洋 Maricic Nikola 老師在澳門將年輕學生參加健康氣功比賽。今次唯一參賽的學校是嶺南中學 Teacher Nikola is First in Macau to bring young students from Lignan school or any school at Macau Health Qigong Championships. 健身氣功澳門嶺南中學 香港嶺南中學 健身气功八段锦 Health Qigong Baduanjin Teacher and Student on same field check more about Teacher Nikola 共有20個單位組織 37支隊伍參賽,參賽者年齡由17歲至80歲。今次唯一參賽的學校是嶺南中學, 隊員李同學稱, 透過學校興趣班學習了 1年健身氣功八段錦,除了有助減壓外,對她感染新冠後康服亦有幫助。 工聯體委會稱,健身氣功八段錦在 2020年被國家衛健委建議作為疫後康復運動, 可有助調理心肺功能,推廣健身氣功已較為普及, 團體透過學校、社區中心等在澳推廣。(謝娜娜 黃翠婷) 如果我告訴你我參加這次比賽的學生每週只上 10 節課呢? 澳門首個高中氣功組比賽,是的,只有 10 個班級。 所以我關心獎牌還是關心我學生的經驗和健康取決於你看到我的學生做得很好, 他們很勇敢,只上了 10 節課,每節課只有 45 分鐘 那麼,您終於準備好參加課程了嗎? What if I told you that I teach my students that were on this competition only 10 classes once per week ? First ever high school Qigong group in Macau at a competition and yes with only 10 classes. so do i care about medals or about experience and health of my students is up to you to see Good job my students did and so brave to attend after only 10 classes of only 45 minutes each. so are you finally ready to join classes with Teacher Nikola ? 学校资讯 背景 岭南教育源远流长,1888年于广州创校,致力提供优良和积极的学习环境,使学生透过丰富的校园生活,达到「全人教育」的目的。岭南教育教育机构一直以「作育英才,服务社会」为己任,除继续支持岭大的发展,更开办多间院校,照顾不同年龄层的学生,以传承和发扬「红灰精神」。我们的院校包括岭南幼儿园、岭南幼稚园、岭南小学(自2013年8月起停办)、岭南中学、岭南钟荣光博士纪念中学及岭南衡怡纪念中学。 Lignan School Motto: Spread Christian Values, Search for Truth and Serve the Community School Mission: Based on Christian values and the Lingnan tradition, we seek to cultivate the‘Red and Grey Spirit’which involves passion, loyalty, perseverance, openness to different ideas and cultures through a rich school life in order to‘honour God, the country and Lingnan’. Approach to Nurturing Students It is our aim to nurture students holistically, emphasizing the importance of good manners and values, inspiring our students to become independent lifelong learners with high aspirations and empowering our students to be proactive and collaborate with others. Principal Li Fung Lan focuses on the development of moral education, learning and teaching and classroom management, providing a loving and caring environment for our students. We endeavor to build on a foundation of love and care for one another so that our students can develop confidence and perseverance. Moral Education : We place prime importance on character formation in students and develop the ladder of character traits and attributes including self-discipline, respect, empathy, perseverance, justice and distinction between right and wrong. A key part of our plan for moral education is to encourage students to fulfill responsibility towards themselves, their family, society and the nation. We have produced school-based books on moral and civic education in order to provide students with opportunities across the curriculum to foster understanding of moral concepts and instill positive values in students. Having designed an excellent module on gratefulness, 嶺南衡怡紀念中學 承諾•未來 Our Pledge Your Future