Monday, January 1, 2024

健身氣功澳門嶺南中學 嶺南中學 First High School in Macau Health Qigong Competition wi...

健身氣功澳門嶺南中學 嶺南中學 First High School in Macau Health Qigong Competition with Teacher Nikola 馬司洋 Maricic Nikola 老師在澳門將年輕學生參加健康氣功比賽。今次唯一參賽的學校是嶺南中學 Teacher Nikola is First in Macau to bring young students from Lignan school or any school at Macau Health Qigong Championships. 健身氣功澳門嶺南中學 香港嶺南中學 健身气功八段锦 Health Qigong Baduanjin Teacher and Student on same field check more about Teacher Nikola 共有20個單位組織 37支隊伍參賽,參賽者年齡由17歲至80歲。今次唯一參賽的學校是嶺南中學, 隊員李同學稱, 透過學校興趣班學習了 1年健身氣功八段錦,除了有助減壓外,對她感染新冠後康服亦有幫助。 工聯體委會稱,健身氣功八段錦在 2020年被國家衛健委建議作為疫後康復運動, 可有助調理心肺功能,推廣健身氣功已較為普及, 團體透過學校、社區中心等在澳推廣。(謝娜娜 黃翠婷) 如果我告訴你我參加這次比賽的學生每週只上 10 節課呢? 澳門首個高中氣功組比賽,是的,只有 10 個班級。 所以我關心獎牌還是關心我學生的經驗和健康取決於你看到我的學生做得很好, 他們很勇敢,只上了 10 節課,每節課只有 45 分鐘 那麼,您終於準備好參加課程了嗎? What if I told you that I teach my students that were on this competition only 10 classes once per week ? First ever high school Qigong group in Macau at a competition and yes with only 10 classes. so do i care about medals or about experience and health of my students is up to you to see Good job my students did and so brave to attend after only 10 classes of only 45 minutes each. so are you finally ready to join classes with Teacher Nikola ? 学校资讯 背景 岭南教育源远流长,1888年于广州创校,致力提供优良和积极的学习环境,使学生透过丰富的校园生活,达到「全人教育」的目的。岭南教育教育机构一直以「作育英才,服务社会」为己任,除继续支持岭大的发展,更开办多间院校,照顾不同年龄层的学生,以传承和发扬「红灰精神」。我们的院校包括岭南幼儿园、岭南幼稚园、岭南小学(自2013年8月起停办)、岭南中学、岭南钟荣光博士纪念中学及岭南衡怡纪念中学。 Lignan School Motto: Spread Christian Values, Search for Truth and Serve the Community School Mission: Based on Christian values and the Lingnan tradition, we seek to cultivate the‘Red and Grey Spirit’which involves passion, loyalty, perseverance, openness to different ideas and cultures through a rich school life in order to‘honour God, the country and Lingnan’. Approach to Nurturing Students It is our aim to nurture students holistically, emphasizing the importance of good manners and values, inspiring our students to become independent lifelong learners with high aspirations and empowering our students to be proactive and collaborate with others. Principal Li Fung Lan focuses on the development of moral education, learning and teaching and classroom management, providing a loving and caring environment for our students. We endeavor to build on a foundation of love and care for one another so that our students can develop confidence and perseverance. Moral Education : We place prime importance on character formation in students and develop the ladder of character traits and attributes including self-discipline, respect, empathy, perseverance, justice and distinction between right and wrong. A key part of our plan for moral education is to encourage students to fulfill responsibility towards themselves, their family, society and the nation. We have produced school-based books on moral and civic education in order to provide students with opportunities across the curriculum to foster understanding of moral concepts and instill positive values in students. Having designed an excellent module on gratefulness, 嶺南衡怡紀念中學 承諾•未來 Our Pledge Your Future